
Team Racing

Team Racing is back and it's bigger and better than before! Make sure you come along and see the teams go head to head in the exciting Championship race on the final saturday of the show.

The PSP Southampton Boat Show with the RYA Interclub two boat Team Racing Championship, in association with Yachts and Yachting will be an event not to be missed.

Commentated by Team Racing Gold & Silver medalist Greg Eaton!

The events

Saturday 22 September marks the start of the Championships with Under 19's to take to the water. The battles will take place right in the heart of the Show and will be commentated by Team Racing Gold and Silver Medalist, Greg Eaton.

Make sure you get down to the marina and get a good spot to watch these races throughout the day with the final guaranteed to be something not to miss!

Entry Information

If this sounds like a challenge you would love to be part of then enter your team here.

This is a two boat team racing event set up on a short course and will be undertaken in RS Feva dinghies. The first race will start at 11:00am with multiple heats going on throughout the day and prizes will be awarded to the days champions! 

The best part? Entry to the event is free and also includes entry into the Show for all 4 team members!


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